Literature search

Showing 1-40 of 1,730 items.
Feoktistova NY, Meschersky IG, Bogomolov PL et al.2018About the border between two phylogroups of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) (Cricetinae, Rodentia)
Andreychev A.V., Ruchin A.B.2010About the fauna of small mammals (Rodentia, Insectivora), comprising in soil traps in the territory of the Republic of Mordovia
Vitkalova A.V., Shevtsova E.I.2016A complex approach to study the Amur leopard using camera traps in Protected Areas in the southwest of Primorsky Krai (Russian Far East)
Pavlova S.V.2010A distinct chromosome race of the common shrew (Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758) within the Arctic Circle in European Russia
Tkachenko E.A., Witkowski P.T., Radosa L., Dzagurova T.K., Okulova N.M., Yunicheva Yu. V., Vasilenko L., Morosov V.G., Malkin G.A., Kruger D.H., Klempa B.2015Adler hantavirus, a new genetic variant of Tula virus identified in Major;s pine voles (Microtus majori) sampled in southern European Russia
Fredga K.1996A new chromosome race of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) in the Kanin peninsula, NW Russia
Mamaev E.G.2018A new method of counting Phoca vitulina ssp. stejnegeri (Phocidae, Carnivora) on the Commander Islands (Russia)
Kishida K.1932A new species of Piping Hares from Saghalien
Zaytsev A.A., Yakovlev A.P., Pakhomov M.V.2018An observation of Lagenorhynchus albirostris (Delphinidae, Odontoceti) in Kola Peninsula, Barents Sea in 2011
Akhverdian M.R., Liapunova E.A., Vorontsov N.N.1997A Rare Case of Chromosomal Mutation in the Ground Vole, Terricola majori (Arvicolinae, Rodentia)
Kazakov D.V., Artyushin I.V., Khabilov T.K., Tadzhibaeva D.E., Kruskop S.V2020Back to life and to taxonomy: new record and reassessment of Myotis bucharensis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
Godlevska Lena (project leader)2007Bat census in Crimean caves. A final report on the BP Conservation project
Denis V. Kazakov, Maxim A. Khasnatinov, Anastasia A. Antonovskaia, Uliana V. Gorobeyko2024Bat ectoparasites: chigger mites (Trombiculidae), ticks (Ixodidae and Argasidae), and bugs (Cimicidae) in the Eastern Palaearctic
Kawai K., Tiunov M.P., Kondo N., Antipin M.A., Boiko V.N., Ohtaishi N., Dewa H.2014Bats from Kunashir and Iturup Islands
Kazakov D., Shumkina A., Botvinkin A., Morozov O.2018Bat swarming in the eastern Palaearctic (Eastern Siberia)
Matyukhina D.S., Vitkalova A.V., Rybin A.N., Aramilev V.V., Shevtsova E.I., Miquelle D.G.2016Camera-trap monitoring of Amur Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) in southwest Primorsky Krai, 2013–2016: preliminary results
Vadim Yu. Rumiantsev, Alexey A. Golubinsky, Mikhail S. Soldatov, Alexandre Husson, Dmitry A. Khitrov2013CHANGES OF MAMMAL BIODIVERSITY IN THE EUROPEAN RUSSIA (THE END OF THE XVIII CENTURY – XXI CENTURY)
Polyakov A.V., Zima J., Searle J.B., Borodin P.M., Ladygina T.2000Chromosome races of the common shrew Sorex araneus in the Ural Mts: a link between Siberia and Scandinavia?
Fedyk S.1970Chromosomes of Microtus (Stenocranius) gregalis major (Ognev, 1923) and Phylogenetic Connections between Subarctic Representatives of the Genus Microtus Schrank, 1798
Kozlovsky A., Orlov V., Okulova N., Kovalskaya J., Searle J.B.2000Chromosome studies on common shrews from northern and central parts of European Russia
Shchipanov N.A., Pavlova S.V.2013Contact zones and ranges of chromosomal races of the common shrew, Sorex araneus, in north-eastern European Russia
Lebedev V., Bogdanov A., Brandler O., Melnikova M., Enkhbat U., Tukhbatullin A., Abramov A., Surov A., Bakloushinskaya I., Bannikova A.2020Cryptic variation in mole voles Ellobius (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) of Mongolia
Bulatova N.S., Kovalskaya Y.M., Pavlova S.V., Nadzhafova R.S., Lavrechenko L.A., Golenishchev F.N., Emelyanova L.G., Bystrakova N.V.2010CYTOGENETIC STUDY OF THE PARAPATRIC CONTACT ZONE BETWEEN TWO 46-CHROMOSOMAL FORMS OF THE COMMON VOLE IN EUROPEAN RUSSIA
Алтухов А.В., Крюкова Н.В., Скоробогатов Д.О., Загребельный С.В., Кочнев А.А., Чакилев М.В., Бурканов В.Н.2020Cравнение результатов оценки численности моржа (Odobenus rosmarus) на лежбищах с помощью различных методов
Sidorchuk N.V., Rozhnov V.V.2018Daily activity of the European Badger (Meles meles, Mustelidae, Carnivora) on setts in Darwin Reserve and Meschera National Park (Russia) in summer and autumn
Ogurtsov S.S., Zheltukhin A.S., Kotlov I.P.2018Daily activity patterns of large and medium-sized mammals based on camera traps data in the Central Forest Nature Reserve, Valdai Upland, Russia
Valeriy V. Stakheev, Lyudmila A. Khlyap, Tatyana A. Mironova, Natalya I. Abramson, Vasiliy M. Malygin, Andrey A. Lissovsky2022Dataset: Geographic distribution of Microtus arvalis and Microtus rossiaemeridionalis in Eastern Europe
Pallas P.S.1769Description Leporis pusilli
Tembotova F.A., Amshokova A.Kh., Kononenko E.P.2020Differentiation degree and developmental stability of Chionomys gud (Rodentia: Cricetidae) by nonmetric cranial traits
Bashinskiy I.V., Osipov V.V.2018Distribution and dynamic of Castor fiber (Castoridae, Mammalia) population in forest-steppe rivers: a case of the State Nature Reserve Privolzhskaya Lesostep', Penza region, European Russia
Belikov, S. E., & Boltunov, A. N.2002Distribution and migrations of cetaceans in the Russian Arctic according to observations from aerial ice reconnaissance
Rumyantsev V.Yu.2021Distribution of the Bobak Marmot across the Russian Plain in the Historical Past: Mapping Review
Golenishchev F.N., Malikov V.G., Bannikova A.A., Zykov A.E., Yiğit N., Çolak E.2022Diversity of snow voles of the “nivalis” group (Chionomys, Arvicolinae, Rodentia) in the eastern part of the range with a description of a new species
Uliana V. Gorobeyko, Irina V. Kartavtseva, Irina N. Sheremetyeva, Denis V. Kazakov, Valentin Yu. Guskov2020DNA-barcoding and a new data about the karyotype of Myotis petax (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in the Russian Far East
Uhrin M., Gazaryan S., Benda P.2009Does Tadarida teniotis really occur in Crimea? (Chiroptera: Molossidae)
Kurhinen Ju.P., Bolshakov V.N., Bondarchuk S.N., Vargot E.V., Gashev S.N., Gorbunova E.A., Zadiraka E.S., Ivanter E.V., Kochanov S.K., Kulebyakina E.V., Mamontov V.N., Meydus A.V., Muravskaya E.A., Nizovtsev D.S., Pavlyushchik T.E., Pilats V., Sivkov A.V., Sikkilya N.S., Simakin L.V., Smirnov E.N., Timm U., Hanski I.K.2016Dynamics of regional distribution and ecology investigation of rare mammals of taiga Eurasia (case study of flying squirrel Pteromys volans, Rodentia, Pteromyidae)
Showing 1-40 of 1,730 items.