ID 190597
Вид Martes martes
Авторы oleg_kosterin
Дата наблюдения 7 апреля 2021 г.
Неточная дата Нет
Место Russia, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskiy rayon, Russia; Novosibirsk Academy Town; birch stand at Tereshkovoy str. 8 and 10
Добавлен inat (17 марта 2022 г.)
Источник данных Интернет
Способ определения Морфология (внешний вид)
Наблюдаемое явление
Точность привязки 40 м
Надежность определения Точно
Интернет ссылка
Комментарий; It was climbing on branches in higher parts of birch crowns and jumping between them; moving from tree to tree rather chaotically. Below people were goggling at it; above three magpies and one crow were worrying and trying cautiously to arrack; but it seemed to enjoy playing. This did not look what i would consider a wild animal behaviour; so I could not exclude it escaped from captivity. On the other hand; our town is immersed in the forest... It did so at the same place for about an hour; graduallt becoming less motile; and I just left it... For 42 years here I only once have seen a martes before in the surroundings; in 1980s. open
Загрузка 1579_69086
Модератор Alexander Saveljev
Цитирование [oleg_kosterin 2021. Martes martes. Млекопитающие России. Загружено: inat 17.03.2022]
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